Accredited Accelerator Program (AAP)
The Benefits of Accelerator Program Accreditation
The world as we know it is changing at an unprecedented pace. Our world today looks very little like the world of yesterday. And quite likely the world of tomorrow will look nothing at all like the world of today. As we move through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, countless new world-changing technologies will be developed and put to use for a broad range of new purposes. In many cases this is changing not only the products and services we consume, but also how society operates. For business organizations, this is opening up whole new worlds of opportunity, not only for new offerings, but for completely new business models that never existed before.
The time is ripe, therefore, for new entrepreneurial ventures to rise up – ventures who are prepared to deliver these fresh new business models and value propositions that stand to move us from the world of yesterday and today into the world of tomorrow. But for this to happen, the world needs resources capable of accelerating these nascent young ventures rapidly forward into the world. We need Accelerator Programs capable of giving these ventures the knowledge, resources, and leads they need to start life on solid ground and move quickly.
Yet how does one ensure that a given Accelerator Program has the capabilities, resources, and connections needed to get these new ventures up and running in a lean, agile, and effective manner? What indicators are there that a particular Accelerator has what it takes to succeed in getting new business ventures launched, operational, and on their way to scale? For this, a credible and reliable accreditation standard is required.
The GInI Accelerator Program Accreditation is such a credible and reliable accreditation standard – a means by which leaders the world over can develop confidence in the design, operation, and capabilities of their Accelerators. The GInI Accelerator Program Accreditation stands alone as the only such standard in the world, setting the benchmark against which all world-class Accelerators are to be measured.
Accreditation of an Accelerator Program by the GInI Accreditation Center offers several valuable benefits:
• Affirmation of the operating organization’s ongoing commitment to entrepreneurship and the regional
impact this offers.
• Confidence that the design, operation, and capabilities of their Accelerator are fully optimized.
• Peer recognition for achievement to a globally-recognized benchmark standard.